Let’s tread a little back in time, in 2007 more precisely, when I had started a blog named SouOnline on WordPress. Back then the web was just getting its full swing on content contribution by internet users. It was only the beginning of what is now a full fledged content based internet. Blogging had become a hobby which helped to express my thoughts and feelings and also a platform to publish my writing.

Since 2013, my life took a new turn where I embarked into a married life and parenthood. All those who are going through these phases or have gone through, would definitely agree that it’s a full time duty! Yet, no matter how tiring it sounds (and it is!) these are special years which you eventually cherish as they stand as years of emotional, physical and mental growth in a person’s life. However, there was not one single day where I was not in my whirlpool of thoughts. Although I had deliberately given up blogging, there were moments, now and then, where I wish I could’ve laid out my thoughts in a blog post.

Anyways, I am totally thrilled about this new blog which I am ‘co-hosting’ with my husband, Vimal. After almost eight years, things on the net are so different and it is going to be an interesting experience for which I am all keen! Besides, it is a new me writing the posts and I am all excited to share with you the new thoughts in my beloved whirlpool…